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Company Profile

Michael J. Donovan, who holds a Master of Engineering (MEng) in Biomedical Engineering, has been conducting research on the development of diagnostic and therapeutic aptamers with the Tan Research Group since 2008. Michael relocated to Changsha, China in 2011 for the twofold purpose of: (a) continuing his research with the Tan Research Group; and (b) founding the world’s leading biomedical engineering company focused on the research, development, and commercialization of VERAPTUS® diagnostic and therapeutic aptamers.

At this early stage of aptamer therapeutic commercialization, the presence of a dominating strong company that is able to acquire the necessary resources and navigate both biotech and pharmaceutical landscapes will have the best chance of establishing aptamers as a significant therapeutic modality. We are that company. Our philosophy is to develop best-in-class VERAPTUS® aptamers and pharmaceuticals.