Who are we?
The human body oversees countless reactions each day. Sometimes outside help is welcomed. That is what we do via our research, development, and commercialization of VERAPTUS® therapeutic aptamers. We develop molecular therapy to give patients the most powerful tools available so they can focus on living life. We are the leader in bringing aptamer therapy to fruition.
Our Mission
Technology is being revolutionized at a faster rate than ever before. We embrace this growth and work tenaciously to continue to be at the forefront. Leading the way in immunotherapy, VERAPTUS® therapeutic aptamers work to keep you healthy in order to fully enjoy the incredible experiences life has in store. Join us in revolutionizing medicine.
Our company was founded with the goal of bringing nucleic acid therapy to fruition. Each bodily reaction is ultimately the proud work of DNA. Moreover, we believe the molecules that allow us to function properly each day are also powerful enough to aid us when reactions do not go as smoothly as we desire. We develop solutions to tackle infectious diseases and cancer.
Globally Minded
We recognize medicine is not a zero-sum game. Biology is very diverse and highly effective medicine cannot be achieved through one-size fits all drug development. By acting globally, we study the worldwide data that guides us in the appropriate direction to help our patients personally.